Solana Pools
The number of transactions in the last 24 hours on Solana is 18.59M with a trading volume of $2.13B, a -17.63% change as compared to yesterday. We also track new Solana pools created in real time.
24h TXN18,592,769
24h Vol$2.13B
Pool | Price | Age | TXN | 5m | 1h | 6h | 24h | Vol | Liq | MCAP/HLDR | FDV |
1 SOLI/SOLSolification | $0.057452 | 1h | 3,272 | 1.01% | -87.33% | -90.8% | -90.8% | $155.8K | $3.53K | $250.23 | $7.25K |
2 Buckazoids/SOLBuckazoids | $0.001308 | 12h | 230,650 | -1.22% | -19.82% | -40.99% | 2,292.3% | $23.34M | $150.52K | $116.73 | $1.31M |
3 ![]() Ghibli/SOLGhiblification | $0.02361 | 2d | 136,403 | 6.58% | 2.13% | -22.5% | 18.61% | $44.54M | $855.49K | $958.27 | $23.46M |
4 PIKA/SOLProtest Pikachu | $0.0008901 | 22h | 198,100 | -1.34% | -35.8% | -59.66% | 1,498.1% | $29.03M | $132.88K | $114.52 | $883.36K |
5 GAYCOIN/SOLGayCoin | $0.00003342 | 9h | 186,171 | -3.9% | -21.73% | -86.76% | -32.5% | $4.48M | $20.54K | $11.93 | $33.44K |
6 SOUTHPARK/SOLSouth Parkfication | $0.0001596 | 3h | 49,517 | 14.7% | -56.06% | 215.43% | 215.43% | $5.39M | $45.52K | $79.13 | $159.27K |
7 ![]() PVS/SOLPVS | $0.003669 | 15d | 23,937 | -2.18% | -7.75% | -3.03% | 52.32% | $5.63M | $338.62K | $494.29 | $3.67M |
8 ![]() CHATTY/SOLChatGPT | $0.001223 | 4 mths | 28,463 | 6.01% | 15.35% | 43.62% | 183.68% | $3.2M | $225.51K | $119.77 | $1.22M |
9 ![]() POPCAT/SOLPOPCAT | $0.2061 | 1y | 7,200 | -0.79% | -1.01% | -8.72% | -13.89% | $2.09M | $7.08M | $1.56K | $201.55M |
10 CON/SOLConvolution | $0.0001794 | 3h | 6,330 | -11.96% | -23.63% | 245.36% | 245.36% | $697.24K | $42.98K | $248.27 | $188.03K |
11 NYAN/SOLNYANMARU COIN | $0.002278 | 3 mths | 3,973 | -0.08% | -1.06% | -2.62% | 21.29% | $2.01M | $1.04M | $21.22K | $126.13M |
12 ![]() Fartcoin/SOLFartcoin | $0.4983 | 4 mths | 34,334 | -0.65% | 3.05% | 1.01% | -9.27% | $43.14M | $3.93M | $3.88K | $496.03M |
13 Popi/SOLPopi the penguin | $0.0003008 | 2h | 31,811 | -12.03% | -26.86% | 446.84% | 446.84% | $3.89M | $59.34K | $176.85 | $296.97K |
14 wuhm/SOLbwainwuhm | $0.0004522 | 1h | 49,980 | -10.57% | -38.74% | 608.03% | 608.03% | $8.77M | $76.88K | $150.21 | $450.06K |
15 BIGBALLS/SOLEdward Coristine | $0.0004129 | 1 mth | 4,263 | -1.49% | -14.9% | -28.03% | 71.98% | $774.68K | $181.51K | $47.38 | $413.52K |
16 100M/SOL100M Or We Are Cooked | $0.0003898 | 17h | 32,141 | -16.06% | -14.29% | 231.8% | 558.05% | $1.74M | $64.51K | $231.05 | $378.27K |
17 ![]() Fartcoin/SOLFartcoin | $0.4969 | 5 mths | 15,565 | -0.43% | 2.6% | 0.36% | -9.52% | $9.8M | $15.08M | $3.88K | $499.4M |
18 SMELLY CAT/SOLSecret Google Cat | $0.056043 | 5h | 12,679 | -6.13% | -15.56% | -89.66% | -89.66% | $833.22K | $8.14K | $23.63 | $6.36K |
19 FLOOPS/SOLFROOT LOOPS | $0.00002153 | 6h | 8,346 | -5.15% | -27.81% | -85.8% | -51.52% | $573.55K | $14.55K | $180.90 | $21.43K |
20 ![]() Routine/SOLMorning Routine | $0.0009097 | 6d | 14,620 | -5.74% | -19.69% | -27.83% | -37.91% | $1.97M | $168.82K | $79.25 | $910.13K |